Devlog 8: Production 2 Sprint 3

Hello everyone,

welcome back this week to another devlog. We have now finished our last week and will now enter a feature freeze. These last 2 weeks we can't add any more features or new art to the game. So we can only polish what we have already.


We have finished the victory screen, so now the winner will do a victory dance while the losers stand back and watch the winner celebrate.

Breakable meshes

This week we also added the breakable meshes into the level. These meshes will fall off things when they are hit and break into pieces.


We have now also designed, modelled and textured our fifth character. We based the characters on ourselves and now we are making the last person of our team as well.


This week I got stuck into editing and cutting up all the voice lines for our character, every character has 3 "selection" voice lines and 1 victory voice line.

I also got started on making the sounds for combat and various other important sonifications. 


This week was most of the time working on all the features to be implemented. Because this was the last week to add one. For example the parents weren't in the game yet. But not the music plays and the door opens and closes. We also completed the blocking. So now when you hit a player who is currently blocking, they can only block x amount of time and then drop it. We also added some extra particles. for example the Stagger stars, blocking and throwing charge bar, etc. We fixed the menu screen with an enum variables so we could add easily an other character. And we added the UI with a soft mask so we could make the players visible in every possible corner. We added also the loudness bar. And tried to break the items in the level but that seems to bit weird so we need to do it in another way.

Thank you all for reading this weeks post. That was it for this this week.

Hope to see you next week!


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